
Pill head

Air head

Butt head

Pot head


Patti Smith
Poet, Godmother of Punk & Upholder of artistic integrity

Initially I was intimidated by Patti Smith, her wiry hair always in tangles, her androgynous aesthetic, her hardcore leftist views & her 'godmother of punk' title. But once I heard her smooth, caramel voice I was totally charmed. A co-worker (thanks Dee) ripped me Dream of Life a documentary that paints a portrait of her as an artist. Pleasantly surprised at her introverted reflections & maternal affections, I weeped; I really felt her.
Unlike most aging rockers she isn't worn out, exhausted or lost in the rock n roll lifestyle, in fact she still (naively) pursues good art. And as a defiant dame of resistance she's got this leathery, tough veneer but really she's a romantic at heart. What a beautiful paradox.
And her style.. an icon! To be able to wear the same kinda shit (worn out tees, mangled jeans & lived in boots) everyday for fifty years and look great during those fifty years is an epic fashion statement.

Martha Argerich
Virtuoso Pianist
This seventy year old Argentinean reigns supreme in the world of virtuoso pianists.
Argerich is composed of qualities that is seldom contained in one person: a pianist of brainteasing technicality, a charming woman reputed for her enigmatic nature and a beauty defined by her luscious black mane.
Consequently musicians have a history of falling in love with Argerich and coming away crushed by the force of her personality. A femme fatale.

Peggy Oki
Former Z-Boy Skater

I learned of Peggy Oki when watching Lords of Dogtown. I'm going to need to give contextual background. Lords of Dogtown is based on the Zephyr Skating Team (1970s) and they single handedly invented modern skateboarding and skating subculture. Peggy Oki was the only girl amongst eleven other dudes. The only female.
Skateboarding is a merciless world of male domination and for her to be a pioneer is unbelievable.

The Dreamers

Listening to
Horses, Patti Smith
I Need A Man To Love, Janis Joplin

Stealing Beauty

Liv Tyler circa 1996, my inspiration.

Listening to
Alice, Cocteau Twins
Glory Box, Portishead
I'll Be Seeing You, Billie Holiday

Currently reading:

The Alchemist
Paulo Coelho

'Everyone, when they are young,
knows what their Personal Legend is...
They are not afraid to dream,
and to yearn for everything they would
like to see happen to them in their lives.'