He is flesh and bones, he is cells, electrons and atoms, he is the physical, chemical and biological, he is rational and empirical, he is cause and effect. He is a scientist. Today he was asserting the complexity and sophistication of DNA. He himself was so awed and perplexed, despite his contract to biology, that he looked away boggled and overwhelmed and said, as if with no resolution, 'This makes me believe in God.' 'Whaaaaaa' I, the product and consequence of his atheism, said, in shock of his resigned meekness. The belief in God, or what have you, is ultimately the search for an explanation- and don't worry I don't think I'm being profound, it's just what it is, I can't say less and I can't say more. When you sequentially read the words "search for an explanation" "search for an explanation" "search for explanation" "search for explanation" "search for an explanation" and then think about the significance that is "searching for an explanation" the notion of an answer spirals out of control, reflecting in on itself. The notion of an answer becomes un-linear and un-signified, something absurd, something that hangs in mid air. It is unpicking the stitches, it is peeling away the skin of everything and anything, something and nothing, this and that, up and down. Why explain? Explanation assumes an Ultimate, Ultimate assumes Purpose, maybe, just maybe Mdmajetrocket assumes Sauerkrautimpotence and our purpose is Lollydoggytail? Explanation is a euphemism for simplification. Religion paraphrases. But somehow religion is undoubtedly the most complex notion in human civilisation. I mean, I think of the mindfuck that is Israel and Palestine, what the Jesus Christ do you do- I mean seriously what the Christ of Jesus do you do?! But I'm not here to talk politics, I'm here to talk nothing. Yes, this that jibble jabble rumble rumble. But seriously... jibble jabble rumble rumble. If you were to collate the keywords in people's prayers to God (or what have you),'why' would be the keyword. "Why God why?" is what a thousand people are preaching this second, with ten thousand fingers interlaced. The why asked in a prayer is very different to the why asked in science. In prayer you ask a question in anticipation of a fixed answer that is based on dogma, whilst in science you ask a question in anticipation of an evolving answer that is based on sequence and pattern. Yes science searches for an explanation. And for the sake of not talking absurd jibberish to prove a point let's assume there is an explanation. In explaining the explanation, the Bible tells me God explains, whilst science tells me the observable world explains. The Bible tells me that the Ten Commandments explain whilst chemistry tells me a little over a hundred elements explain, the Bible tells me that everything was created in six days whilst physics tells me that the observable Universe is made up of 10^83 particles, The Bible tells me laws are based on Man whilst science tells me laws are based on Nature. I can't give you a more awesome explanation than your explanation, God (or what have you), because your explanation is as awesome as you think awesome can be. But if you are searching for an explanation, looking to a higher power or a dogma is a meek way of explaining things, a resignation of sorts. Don't fear the unexplained, but if you do then earnestly question the truths that you are told.
Peace Love and Mung Beans, A
Peace Love and Mung Beans, A
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